Welcome Signs Words

"To laugh often and much... to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children . . . to leave the world a better place. . . & to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived...

This is to have succeeded

my random thoughts...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Mickey Mouse

Yes, I love Mickey Mouse. It's a classic - d classic. All the barneys, and the spongebobs and all other cartoons are just innovations of what the Mickey Mouse character and his other disney friends have provided kids. I remember that feeling of calmness and serenity when I was in Disney World in Orlando, Florida. That is the sight of the biggest theme parks Disney has created. They have about Four (4) theme parks which you can't get enough of. Being there was surreal. It makes me want to stop time and just be there. Mickey Mouse' house was really cool, it makes you feel like he's real and that he really lives there. =)

Oh well, when I think about those times I just feel happy. Haha. It's a happy place - where all your dreams come true. (that's part of a song they play there...)

At the end of the day, fireworks behind the palace ( the classic disney palace logo of Disney) take place and it's truly breathtaking...