Welcome Signs Words

"To laugh often and much... to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children . . . to leave the world a better place. . . & to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived...

This is to have succeeded

my random thoughts...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Look

I have a new template! =) Well, it took me sometime to decide what the new look would be, but after hours of browsing, I settled with these pink flowers. Just did some tweaking with the fonts and its colors. Originally, they were all pink! Which is really not that good to read. Bad for the eyes pa nga eh.

I basically placed the same widgets on the side bar and as an added feature, I placed my new dog's baby pic! Technically, she's still a puppy but the picture was taken when she was just a month old and she was so cute! They're actually two (2), Pichu and Motombo but I acquired Pichu first. And my nephew kinda claims ownership over the male pup. Hehehe. They've grown so big already as they were a cross breed of Sharpei and Labrador. At four (4) months, they can no longer run around their cage. I make it a point to let them out of there and play in the garage for at least thirty minutes to an hour, everyday. Otherwise, they become so cranky - barking and barking. Which reminds me, I have to get a new cage so I could separate them already. Okeydokey.

My work here is done... at least for tonight.. =)