Lucky day at Starbucks... The corner with two couches is empty. It's now my nook. And so I settle in, one leg crossed under the other... Nothing fancy today really...just me and my coffee keeping me company...I lean back and sip my grande mocha frappuccino...
And then, MAGIC happens...
My mind becomes a maze of exciting ideas. My heart beats fast and yet I feel serene...Something stirs inside me, a good blend of ideas and intuition mixed together. And, its happened before, this state of mind. Deja vu? Nope. But it sure feels like one. I wonder when was the last time I had this giddy feeling?
... last week when I found a copy of a song I really like...
... seeing my nephew smile so brightly when he figures out the computer game he was playing...
... the day I got my starbucks planner.......
... when I changed my bed sheets with newly laundered ones...
... and the list goes on...
As if prodding, I watch the whole room... There are listeners, and there are talkers. There are some who enjoy the company of silence while there are those who delight in sound. Everyone does their own thing in comfort. Being different by just being themselves. Can they see it too? Can they see it the way I do?Such colorful individuals in the huge canvass that is this coffeehouse. Like little moving paintings surrounding you. If my eyes could only immortalize them on paper for everyone to see...
That's it.
People are here in their favorite everyday moment.Everyone in their different moods; everyone in their comfort zones. Whether alone or with company, whether it's a person or a cup of coffee. In my head, I create their stories, weaving my own tales with theirs; illustrating them with hues that match their mood; locking them in a time capsule inside my head. I am Alice flown away to my own wonderland through these amazing thoughts.
And all these happening while I sit still...with my favorite mocha frappuccino for company.I grin and take another sip and look outside.
I better head home. It's getting late...